Friday, October 19, 2007

Smarty Pants

I just turned to Dan and said, "How about I nurse Felicity and we watch some... whaddayacallit." From her perch in his arms, Ariel called, "Office?" I have no idea how she knew that.

Honestly, I am kinda creeped out by this. I mean, we had only mentioned a couple of times this evening that we were going to watch it. We said it to each other in passing, and we hadn't said it immediately before this incident. Also, it's not like all we do is watch The Office, or like Ariel usually watches it with us. Furthermore, she is only 20 months old. What the heck??? I feel how you might feel if you had a foreign exchange student in your home for a month before one day finding out that they understood English perfectly. Um, how much have you understood all along?

Here she is reading Green Eggs and Ham with her daddy. She like to read this to herself, too. The first three pages (which say, "I am Sam," "I am Sam," and "Sam I am") are "I Sam!" "I Sam!" "I Sam!" Then they all say "[mumble mumble] Sam!" The last page, which reads "Thank you, Thank you, Sam-I-am!" is read "Tanks!"

She's so cute! Dang!


GrannyNanny said...

She's the smartest, most adorable granddaughter EVER.

Anonymous said...

Too sweet! Her hair is getting so long! What a big, smart girl.