Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Feature - Old Blog Posts!

Jump for joy! I have begun the process of entering and back-dating posts from my old blog.

Many of you may recall that I had a blog before this one. It was abandoned for two reasons: the title included the size of our family, which has changed, and it used our last name, which may not be the brightest decision ever. Although I'm sure that it wouldn't be terribly difficult for any potential stalkers to hunt me down. But let's not think about that.

Okay, still thinking about it. You see, I went out to the porch today to get my Christmas decor out of the storage closet, and found that the closet door was LOCKED. I have never locked this door. In the year and three months that we've been here, neither has Dan. I'm waiting till he gets back from class to ask him if he locked it. And if he says no, then it's his job to go open it. Because there might be a hobo living in there.

Okay, not too likely, I guess. But it wasn't too likely that there were gunmen living under my bed as a child, and I managed to believe that when I was alone with my thoughts. Confused gunmen. Very confused. Ask me about it sometime. Or don't.

But the moral of the story is that you will be able to view old blog entries. I've got three of them up so far, and I'll just keep going backwards a few at a time until everything is on one blog (edited for sensitive content, of course).

I've also started labeling Tasty Tuesdays and WFMW's so that you can access them easily from the sidebar, and I intend to eventually (which could mean anytime) add labels for things like Ariel's silly antics, Felicity's milestones, pics of the girls, and maybe even one for random essays on whatever I happen to be thinking about.

But all in good time. For now, you can check out my new archives, the most recent being September 6, 2007, in the blog archives on the right side of the screen. If you want to. But you really don't have to.


rae ann said...

you know you can move your blog, right? it will just feed into the current one and walah!

Jenni said...

No, I don't know how to do that...