Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So much has happened since my last post.

There are things that you talk about on a blog, and things that you don't. There are things that I will be able to share publicly one day, but for now, the details will have to remain unknown. This July, I made the very difficult decision to remove myself and my daughters from an abusive situation. The last few months have been a challenge, a roller coaster. They have been some of the happiest and most stressful and most angry times of my life. I have never felt more free, more capable, more determined, or more overwhelmed. I have never had more hope for the future.

With a new life comes a new blog! It feels weird to continue tacking posts of my new life onto a blog from a past that seems so far away emotionally. So come on over to Happy Place and check out our new life! It's deliciously pink...